Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Woke up this morning, my blood sugar was 274!

274!! Fasting BS of 274!
This is not a good thing, the magic range for a diabetic to shoot for is 80 to 120, this being said I automatically went to get my insulin and take my medication since its the first thing I need to do each day.

Having just gotten through having a horrible week, I really need to take better care of myself so yesterday I purchased a new meter, the Bayer Contour USB meter. This thing is amazing, it takes a small amount of blood to work, it is tiny, plugs directly into my laptop and copies data over! I am currently using the test strips that came with it because my copay for the strips are about $60 and right now I am currently broke.

I know part of the problem was the fact I decided to have a snack last night and I need to get carb free snacks in the house cause, that snack really caused me trouble. I will check things in a couple hours to see how the insulin is doing.  Until next time, keep safe everyone!

Sunday, September 26, 2010

Emergency! Emergency! Vomit! High Blood Sugars!

It was about a week ago, I was enjoying a nice Sunday afternoon and evening when late that evening I started feeling ill.  I thought it was nothing, so I ignored it and went on with what I was doing, I had not been taking good care of my Dlife lately so I am sure alot of my problems are due to my own neglect.  Well I got this intense feeling of nausea and ran directly to the bathroom, next thing you know I was throwing up repeatedly, three times to start. Once it stopped I thought thank God that was over, and went into the living room to recover and watch TV.  Thirty minutes later, without eating anything I felt the same feeling and ran right back into the bathroom and kept throwing up, I told my wife to call 911, since she had an expired drivers license and couldn't drive me to the Hospital in our van anyway.

The Ambulance arrives, the medics get me to lay down on the stretcher as they strap me in.  They load me in the back and prepare to begin a IV and test my blood sugar, it was 289!!!!! YES 289!!!

I am feeling horrible, staring at the light above me and wondering what was causing this, realizing also that my control over my diabetes was not even partial..... I knew then laying in the Ambulance that I needed to fix things and big time fix them at that!  I arrived at the hospital and see a Doctor right away, which was a surprise to me, cause I never saw any doctors before when I was there, I knew there were Doctors there but just never saw one, was always Nurse Practitioner, but bottom line was he told me I need to do better and it has stuck. I threw up another time and now have it in my mission to control my Diabetes better!

Saturday, September 19, 2009

Watching the UT game with Otis

With Florida scoring a field goal in the 1st qtr and no points with 5 minutes left in the first quarter the vols need to start scoring to make up for last weeks game against ucla!

After a setback of being placed back to the 20 yard line the Volunteers make a great play to bring them in field goal range. Now the game is tied, with 3 left in the qtr.

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